VMS -> Unix

common vms commands     unix lookalike    furthermore ...
-------------------     --------------    -------------------------
dir/date/siz/own        ls -al            owner,group,others
   /date=mod            ls -alc           -rwxrwxrwx
dir/date/siz *.dir      ls -Fal | grep -v '\->' | grep /

logout                  exit

monitor                 sar

search                  grep

set password            passwd

set process/priority    nice

show cpu                uname -p[amnrsv]

show default            pwd

show device du*...      admpdisk -o list  ["administer physical disks"]
           /files       fuser -u fname

show logicals?          env

show users              who [-u]          | grep username
                        ps -fuxxx         [where xxx = user name, eg: ps -fugah]
                        finger username

show process            ps -f
            /id=pid     ps
            /priority   ps -l

show system             ps -ef
 - system uptime        last reboot       ['uptime', 'w']
                        who -r
                        ps -p 1

show terminal           echo $TERM

stop/id=pid             kill -9 pid       [-9 ain't in man pages, => 'fer sure']


ls display: (use chmod, chown, chgrp to modifiy)
% ls -al

  file size in blocks
  |  protection (owner, group, others)
  |  |
  |  |            links
  |  |            | owner               file size in # bytes
  |  |            | |                   |     date modified
  |  |            | |        group      |     |
  |  |            | |        |          |     |            file name
  |  |            | |        |          |     |            |
  80 -rw-r--r--   1 gah      root       35818 Feb 12 14:29 pst_dly.c


setting aliases:
When you login, .profile is "executed"

on-the-fly:     source .profile


# example bash stuff - keep in home dir as ".profile" (gets exec'd at login or
# "source .profile"
umask 022
TERM=vt320; export TERM
# keep current working dir at front of path?
export PATH
# Oracle stuff
# Set Oracle database
# run script to tweak/set various Oracle junk, like ORACLE_SID
# notes - keep this after path is set; without ORACLE_SID being set before the
#         call to this, it will default to equal user name (eg, ghuckabone)
#       - this differs from saturn
. /usr/local/bin/oraenv
# various shell variables
export MYID=`id -un`
export HOSTNAME=`hostname`
# PS1 determines prompt (in bash)
# generic ITC setting:
#  PS1="`hostname -s`-$USER> "
# displays too much for one line
#  export PS1='[$HOSTNAME:$MYID] $PWD\$ '
# changes prompt to current working directory
export PS1='$PWD> '
# aliases; sure would be nice to combine csh aliases somehow
alias display='setenv DISPLAY \!*\:0.0;echo DISPLAY now $DISPLAY'
alias l='ls -al'
alias lo=exit
alias ldir="ls -Fal | grep -v '\->' | grep /"
alias sd="cd $1"
alias ty=more


typical compression file combination: something.tar.gz

- to uncompress a .gz file; eg:
% gunzip libg++-2.7.2.tar.gz

- to 'untar' some file
% tar vxf libg++-2.7.2.tar

- view obj files
nm ( print name list of common object file); eg:
% nm -o /usr/local/lib/libiberty.a

ar (ARchive files: object, ...); eg:
% ar -tv /usr/local/lib/libiberty.a

'source' forces execution of a shell script, eg:
% source .exrc

Oracle stuff

Execute an sql script from unix command line:
% sqlplus [-s] [username] / [password]  @filename  [> output-filename] [&]

Display current Oracle SID (database name):
% echo $ORACLE_SID
  - or -
sql> host echo $ORACLE_SID

sqlplus on pc:
to connect to diff dbase - user/pwd@dbase-alias
eg: gm_inv/dev7@g-dev7

Unix Manuals - nice link

VI information
Suggestion: Don't use it